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Affirmations Can Change Your Life

An affirmation is  a positive statement that you repeat. Affirmations are intended to change your attitudes and feelings through the power of focused repetition.


You can’t always easily change your feelings however you can do it indirectly by changing your behaviours.


For example, when you are feeling insecure about yourself, you can look in the mirror and practice complimenting yourself until it actually changes your attitude or the way you view yourself.


This is part of Cognitive dissonance: the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change. Cognitive dissonance is when your beliefs and attitudes aren’t consistent with your behaviours.


For example, you might hold the belief that interrupting people when they speak is rude yet you might do it when you’re in a rush and want to wrap up the conversation. Most people will feel bad about this inconsistency between their belief and their behaviour and will either change their attitude (justify their inconsiderate action by viewing themselves as more important) or change the behaviour (stop interrupting people).

How to write affirmations

  • As you write them ask yourself: What is the concern you need to address? What will you say to address that specific concern?

  • Keep it in the present tense - Imagine yourself having already achieved what you want. If you rephrase the previous affirmation, “I will fall in love with someone one day”, to “I am fully prepared to love and be loved”, you’re affirming that you already have what it takes to get the outcome you want. It is not a future you’re hoping for, but rather your present reality.

  • Keep it positive - Don’t use any negative words in your affirmation as you’ll essentially be repeating the “negative” word over and over again. You’re pre-programming yourself to focus on it.  Rephrase with positive wording.

  • Keep it concise - You want the affirmation to convey your message but it needs to be done in one sentence.


Phrase your affirmation as an “I statement”, beginning with “I am...

I am a caring, supportive friend.


Design an affirmation that represents a positive outcome. Avoid using avoidant language such as the word “not” in your affirmations.

I am getting stronger at letting go of situations every single day.


Be as precise as possible, especially if your affirmation is intended to guide your own goal-oriented behaviour.

I am more than capable of becoming a qualified carpenter in a year.


A ‘feeling’ or ‘descriptive’ word will give your affirmation more impact.


  • I AM confident in my ability to create the life I desire.

  • I AM creating my life according to my dominant beliefs

  • I AM willing to believe that I AM the creator of my life experience.

  • I AM willing to believe that by focusing on feeling good, I make better choices that lead to desired results.

  • I AM worthy of love

  • I AM happy

  • I AM free to choose to live as I wish and to give priority to my desires.

  • I AM flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life.

  • I AM in charge of my life.

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