What Are The Different Types Of Anxiety?
There is several types of Anxiety Disorders. ​
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Apprehension about something in the future, excessive worry about a number of events or activities that the person finds difficult to control. A common feature is that the worries often have a “chaining” effect, that is, one worry will lead to others. ​​
Panic disorder: Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, a sudden, intense fear or discomfort that peaks within minutes followed by persistent worry about additional panic attacks.
Selective mutism is when someone normally capable of speech cannot speak in certain situations or to specific people (It often occurs with social phobia).
Separation anxiety: excessive fear or anxiety regarding separation from an attachment figure such as your home, loved ones, or someone that you feel attached to.
Agoraphobia is the fear of being outside the home alone, such as in open spaces like a park and/or enclosed spaces like public transport or shops. ​
Social phobia or social anxiety disorder is the general intense fear of social situations or performances where there is possible scrutiny and evaluation by others.
Specific phobia: Significant and excessive fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation that when faced, provokes intense fear, anxiety, or avoidance. E.g spiders.