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Boredom is a feeling, a mood: uninterested, irritable, unfocused and restlessness. Boredom is not caused by a lack of things to do, there is always something you can do.  


As we crave more material luxury and perceived social and economic status – which already means that we are living lives that are misaligned with our values – our free time is occupied with irrelevant activities that do not lead to satisfaction on a deeper level.


Boredom can lead to destructive behaviours and emotional distress, feeling lost and nothing satisfying you in that moment. Which is a huge reason as to why you should have a go to list of things to do when bored. Go through the list when bored for some ideas and try some, keep trying until something gets you.

​Idea's on what to do when bored:

1.  Read your goal list (90-day goal planner) and see what you can do now, grab a bite sized item to get you going, the goal list serves as a to do list in life.


2. Phone a friend – let them lead the conversation, hopefully a positive busy one who can mood boost you and is usually filled with stories.


3. Make a venue hit list. Google restaurants and what’s new in your city – find a few places you want to visit with your lover, family and friends.


4. Go for a walk – get fresh air and don’t check your phone as you do it. Be present, look around, people watch (not in a creepy way).


5. Scroll the photos in your phone – delete ones you don’t need and send throwbacks to some friends.


6. Get on you-tube and do an 10 min workout. I recommend Fitness Blender.


7. Love notes – hide some love notes in your partners belongings such as bag, clothes, drawer. Little sweet messages for them to find randomly in their week, not too many of course keep it cute like 2-3 post it notes.


8. Meal prep – plan you week ahead and head to the supermarket to buy the food you need. Go home & cook!


9. Read some news or celebrity gossip, get lost in the feed of daily mail.


10. Mini project – organise your room or home, do out your wardrobe, clean your make up brushes, wash the car, do out your ‘stuff’ drawer, find new meal prep options to cook. Do a few small tasks.


11. Mindfulness – practice living in the present moment or learn how to if it’s new to you.


12. Take a quiz and learn about yourself. There are heaps online, such as this.


13. Turn off the T.V and start moving around until you find something better to occupy you.


14. Find a podcast or blog you like, binge some episodes.


15. Try something new. Google activities close by to your house and go try a new one – the gym, skating, golf, walking track, or pole dancing.


16. Complete errands/tasks you have been putting off – send some emails, clean your shoes, clean the car, fill up petrol,  shine your jewelry, drop off dry cleaning, return borrowed items, supermarket shopping, walk the dog, visit your elders, do your finances.


17. Read your gratitude journal – you don’t have to add to it, just read it.

18. Walk to get a coffee, tea or a smoothie.


Write a note to prepare a goal list when the mood has past so next time boredom hits, you go straight to your goal planner and have ideas ready to go.

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