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What to do after a BREAK UP

It is commonly said when you hit rock bottom, the ground, you're in a bad place. However that depends what you are made of, doesn't it? The harder you slam a ball into the ground, the higher it bounces back up. So I like to think we are all made like tennis balls, super bouncy and designed to hit the floor every now and again. 

Breaking up hurts no matter what you do. As soon as the break up is said out loud,take action, read more about how to break up. Then follow these golden rules of behaviour.

How to behave:

💔 Jump off social media, a little break whilst you adapt to the news. Allow you both some time to let it sink in, before you go posting 'the' news or selfies (respect each others pain). 

💔 Keep your relationship secrets and his. It is tasteless to reveal any secrets and intimate details shared during the relationship. 

💔 Acknowledge you may be acting on emotions and not on logical thought patterns. 

💔 Act gracefully, this time will show people and teach you about your character. Hold it together, harness your temper and impulses and find outlets for your personal needs.

💔 Your phone is not your friend right now, practice not carrying it with you everywhere, start with the bathroom and using airplane mode while you excercise. 💔 Do not confide in HIS mates or family, lean on your personal network and avoid bringing mutual friends or family into the break up. 💔 Stick to a phyisical excercise routine with music playing and try to break compulsive thinking and mood boost yourself to a positive place. 💔 Book a weekend away with a girlfriend, it will give you something to look forward to and a little time to be sad in private yet in a new surrounding whilst being supported. 💔 Do not try and seduce or see them. The decision has been made to break away, honour it. 💔 Seek counselling to help ground your new single feet and deal with any relationship hang ups.  💔 Don't beat yourself up over how you feel or act when you are alone, acknowledge you are temporarily not feeling yourself and doing your best. 💔 Journal or send yourself texts - not him. It is over, its time to face it. 

You aren't broken even thought it feels that way. What is broken in a relationship break up? The person or the heart? Niether - the relationship.  Two whole people with two whole hearts remain, you will repair and move on so it is the relationship that is broken.

Find out in detail how to recover from a break up in my online course, subscribe below to be the first to know.

"Breaking up is like getting stitches without painkillers, each stitch excruciating pain, yet vital to closing up the wound. "

Love is love, this blog may use female/male pronouns however the advice applies to all sexual orientations and gender identities. #love #relationshipadvice #relationshiphelp #breakup #breakuphelp

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