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Learn how to free yourself from anxiety with these 10 steps

I experience anxiety and I embrace it, it is a feeling that passes. I know that it's my mind telling me to slow down, rest & refocus. Anxiety is common and I have learnt how to manage it, as can you. My anxiety is silent, to the outside world you would have no idea of the stress going on inside me, to everyone around me I would appear my usual self when inside I feel overwhelmed and I am struggling to talk, I can't think clearly so I run to my self care routines to regather myself. Whilst it feels awful to experience the good news is, it can be managed.

What are the signs of anxiety?

MIND: lack of concentration, racing thoughts or unwanted thoughts, excessive worry, fear.

BODY: fatigue or sweating, insomnia, nausea, palpitations, feeling faint or the shakes.

BEHAVIOUR: irritability, avoidance, or restlessness.

Here are some ways to deal with mild anxiety that infrequently comes and goes.

  1. Take a media break - log off social media and the news.

  2. Listen to upbeat music. Positive music that makes you feel happy such as high energy, dance or pop/charts (the music you listen to reflects in your mood).

  3. Go outside - walk, sit on a bench whatever it is just get fresh air.

  4. Remind yourself it is a feeling and it will pass soon (acknowledge the anxiety).

  5. Avoid guessing the future and focus on the present.

  6. Change your focus, keep busy - spring clean, arrange your wardrobe, do some yoga.

  7. Talk to family or friends.

  8. If you live with others - sit with them, watch TV, eat together, be present with them.

  9. Practice self care and set a healthy routine for meals, excercise and sleep.

  10. Maintain a positive attitude, replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

When you are feeling better, take time to reflect and idenitfy your trigger/s. What happened that made you feel anxious? Was it; work, stress, too much coffee or alcohol, or something else? Once you identify what causes it, you can learn how to manage it.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or feeling anxious often, learn breathing techniques and grounding techniques and reach out for help.

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