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Mental Health issues ARE the new NORMAL!

Roughly 45% of Australians, that is 8.6 million, adults experience a mental disorder within their life. Right now over 4 million people experience an issue yearly. Compare that to a job, think of how many people you know working in the construction industry, you can think of alot, right? Well that sector only has 1.1 million people working in it. 🤯

Imagine going through a mental illness; schizophrenia; PTSD or depression and society turn around and say "Oh she's turned looney, better lock her up" and you are sent to live in a mental institute or jail.

Hear me out. I want to give you some background to explain why it's important we speak about mental wellness and how normal it is to experience something.

It was not until 1992 that Australia deinstutionailised, deciding that mental illness is a medical disorder and the mentally unwell where allowed to live in the community.

Have you heard the song Baby got back by Sir mix- a-lot (iiii like big butts and i cannot lie...) or Boys 2 Men End of the Road, those songs are from 1992, as is Kris Kros' Jump, Nirvana's Smells like teen spirit and Michael Jackson's Black or White.

In NSW, criminals & lunatics (the sick) were locked up together in the jail at Parramatta.

After years of this where they experienced all forms of abuse, changes led to development of a mental asylum with no healthcare workers but instead big men were employed due to their build to restrain the 'lunatics'.

Medical staff came in to visit and used physical treatments such as ice water baths, restraint and electric shock therapy to treat the mentally unwell. 🆘💔

It wasnt until the 20th century that medical staff started training mental health nurses and here we are in 2020 finally understanding mental health. YAY for mental health reform. 🤗

What is normal? If something conforms to a general pattern, standard, or average, we describe it as normal. Back to the point,remember that first comparision I gave you.

Let's back it up with some stats to show you whats going on.

In my opinion, the stats are probably lower than what's really going on. I think there is people who are not totally honest in a survey. There must be some who are reluctant to say ahh yes I smoked a little ice, had some lines of coke and often I feel depressed and then give that information to a form of government agency. But here they are;

Substance abuse that is alcohol & drugs including prescription drugs.

  • Top 4 drugs being used are weed, coke, ectascy and meth.

  • Weed (cannabis) is the number one drug used.

  • Methamphetamines (ice, base and speed) - 1.3 million aussies will try it.

  • Cocaine is the highest used drug in NSW.

  • Men are twice as likely to have substance abuse disorders.

Suicide. Suicide is is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.

  • Every day, at least 6 Australians die from suicide.

  • Every day 30 people will attempt to take their own life.

  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for people Australians aged 25-44 years old.

  • Men account for over three quarters (76%) of deaths from suicide.

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.

The World Health Organisation estimates that depression will be the number one health concern in all nations by 2030.

  • 1 in 7 Aussies will experience depression in their lifetime.

  • Depression rates are 1 in 6 women and 1 in 10 men, experience it in their lifetime.

  • Depression has the third highest burden of all diseases in Australia.

The overall picture:

  • In each year 1 out of 5 people will experience a mental illness.

  • 4.3 million people received mental health-related prescriptions in 2018 -2019.

  • Approximately 14 % of people will be affected by an anxiety disorder in any 1 year

  • Women are more likely than men to use services for mental health problems.

  • Many violent people have no history of mental disorder and;

  • Most people with mental illness (90%) have no history of violence.

What do you think? Interesting right, this is a lot of people. To make up 4 million people that would be all retail workers, all construction and all healthcare and social assistance workers. That is how many people we are talking about each year!

Many people go through a mentally hard time and we are all affected by it in some way. Practice self care and regularly check in with family & friends.

When I was completing a Mental Health course or maybe it was a Domestic Violence response course well, anyway, whichever it was, the teacher passed a comment which stuck with me. "If a person is doing attention seeking behaviour of any kind, it is because they need attention. Ask them what is going on".

Now I can't write all this without mentioning if you need to talk anytime please contact a mental health professional and/or call Lifeline 13 11 14.

There is help available and reach out to any professional or support network when needed and thank god that mental health reform has led us to where we are today embracing Mental Health issues are a normal part of life and encouraging talk therapy.

Statistics are based on info from:

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2009). National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 4326.0, 2007. ABS: Canberra.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2014). Australia’s Health 2014. AIHW: Canberra.

National Mental Health Commission. (2013). A Contributing Life, the 2013 National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. NMHC, Sydney.

World Health Organisation. (2008). The global burden of disease: 2004 update.

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