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Stop avoiding things. It is time you show courage...

There is times where we become really nervous and anxious about trying new things, things that scare us, it is fear of the unknown. It is important to face these things front on. When it worries you, do it anyway. Be courageous, you will feel proud of yourself afterwards.

Do things you are avoiding as facing them can make you less anxious in the future, when you are not allowing your anxiety to be in control that is self empowering. For example, maybe meeting someone for the first time makes you anxious. Instead of cancelling the plans and avoiding the situation, take small steps to face it, have the person come to you, meet you half way or commit to a short duration activity like a coffee. Once you do this, you will learn how to manage your fears and teach yourself that there is strategies around things and being brave, courageous feels good. Anxiety is a feeling and it will pass, the chances are everything is fine and will be fine and its useful to tell yourself that, over and over when experiencing anxious feelings.

When feeling anxious your breath tends to be shallow and fast. You need to stabilize your breathing pattern and calm it down. Learn how to breathe - the known 478 method is to breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds and repeat this over and over until you feel at ease. You can build some courage up by keeping a thought diary (journal). When you are avoiding something or feeling anxious - write it down. This is so you can address the repetitive thought.

In the moment, write down what you are worried about, what you are thinking will happen, what is worrying you, the fear. Note it all down. Later on when the moment has passed, review your notes and question your thoughts. What is the worst case scenario that can happen? What is the likeliness of that happening? What is the best case scenario? Continue this practice as it gives you a reference on what causes your anxiety which can help with future anxious moments and also serves as a reminder on how things turned out fine once the moment passed, it will build your confidence in handling the feeling and moment/s. It is also helpful if you are feeling anxious about things regularly it is probably time to watch your intake. So many things we consume are stimulants and can give us a buzz, the bad kind.

Set some rules for yourself, perhaps it is no coffee after 2pm and/or only 2 cups per day. Consume less sugar and eat a more balanced diet. Maybe you shouldn't have pre-workout, alcohol or cigarettes', all of these are stimulants which don't help anxiety. Although as a smoker you think it does help - it doesn't! Always schedule daily breaks to do things you enjoy and self time.

Practice Self Love and Positive Thoughts.

Click here for some tips on anxiety.

courage noun 1. the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal" 2. Strength in the face of pain or grief. "he fought his illness with great courage"

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