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Why we shouldn't go back to normal living after COVID 19

I hope recent events change everyones perception on life, on your own life.  That how we lived and what we focussed on was not working, we were taking too much for granted, taking each other for granted.

I hope we all realise the important things are happiness, health and relationships with loved ones, family & friends. Recognise that we are all human and work best in unity, peace and respect of each other and our unique qualities. 

What are you doing to contribute to change? Other than saying we need it, what are you actually doing? Stop and think, how are you changing yourself.

You can start by changing how you interact and communicate with people. 

For example, when we meet people, the wrong questions are asked as the focus is on what people have, where they live, age and what they do for a living. Why do you want to know those things? You are asking these questions to make a judement on a persons income and lifestyle opposed to learn about who the person is.

You should be asking what each other like, what they did in the week, sports they play, how they relax and what interests them or motivates them, what they like about their career, what makes them laugh. Ask, are they happy.

What qualities do you want to be known for?  Pause for a second and answer that.

I don't want to be defined by my relationship status, my job, age, my man's job, where I live or what I do or do not own. Sure that all plays a part in lifestyle but not my personality. I want to be known for who I am; what I value, my laugh, my attitude towards life and for how I made you feel. For having compassion and someone you can rely on, I want to be known for having a strong mind with a soft heart. 

If nothing else, lets cange how we speak to each other; focus on the important things to one another. Listen to hear, not to respond.

Robin Williams was known for his great movies, his achievements and being a comedian. A funny man on the big screen and yet he died from suicide. Someone that seemingly had it all on the outside, battled on the inside. 

People don't die from suicide but from feeling sadness, helplessness and fear. Situations like that serve as a reminder that health, our minds and proper conversations with each other are of the highest value; how we feel and how we make others feel matters. 

As we finish living in isolation for COVID-19 do so with new intentions, new practices. Life was put on pause and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to reflect and reset. We are in the midst of transformation.

Maybe this was a major wake up call to create new life lessons on how to live and appreciate life:

  1. Social distance is to teach us to keep the ones we love close and everyone else at an arms length.

  2. To see the vulnerable - to look after the sick and care for our elders.

  3. Isolation taught us the importance of human interaction and to check in on each others mental health.

  4. Closed parks and businesses taught us the value of freedom. 

  5. Our homes should be our safe place and truly blessed if we have that.

  6. Closed offices showed us that the 9-5pm business day is history as technology is advanced and we have surpassed the need to leave our homes to perform computer based jobs.

  7. Working from home provides a better quality of life, giving us more time with families enjoying freshly cooked meals served at the table together.

  8. Closing Schools taught us the value of teachers, to appreicate their influence, time and assistance in raising our children.

  9. To remind the Government their job is to protect and support their people before anything else.

  10. That being able to travel anywhere in the world is a luxury and holidaying is a gift.

  11. Mental health has major impact and anxiety is prevalent. We must talk openly to each other and give support as the normal check in not wait until one is down.

  12. To appreciate the traditions of weddings, christenings & funerals and their significance in our life journey.

  13. To understand the value of money and how easily it can come and go. 

  14. That the celebrites are not the ones to idolise but the Doctors and Nurses whose skills and compassion were being taken for granted.

  15. That discomfort and change makes us grow as humans and better ourselves.

  16. We are all human and work best in unity, peace and respect of each other .

  17. That your life is 100% your responsibility.

  18. That we are the generation of change.

Read those again. How many relate to being human and mental wellbeing. Let's not waste the time, this is our second chance.

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." Robin Williams.

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