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What Is A Healthy Relationship?

A balance in life that allow both partners to feel supported and connected but still feel independent. In a healthy relationship with good communication, respect, love, attention and communication spinkled with outside elements of social and family interaction you can feel overall contentment.

What are common relationship problems?

Some examples of relationship issues are feelings of neglect,difficulties in communication, intimacy problems, pressures created by traumatic events, financial stresses, boredom/restlesness and family loyalties.

What to do to improve a relationship that feels like it is unbalanced or breaking? 

 The foundation for any helping relationship is establishing a therapeutic alliance, openly discussing the problem, and having a collaborative approach. My first questions are does your relationship feel unbalanced OR like it is breaking?  And do you want to repair and save it? 


A struggling relationship can throw our lives, moods and daily routines off often causing you or your partner to feel frustrated, upset, angry or in distress. Broadly speaking it is difficult to repair a relationship when you are arguing endlessly and you should book a therapy session so conversations can be guided, mediated and unbias to assure both parties needs are being heard and met. 


Relationship therapy uses techniques to help provide to build resilience, relationshp skills, reconnect to your soft side to each other and remember what it is that works for you and how you love each other and to reach an overall resolution. During sessions you will engage in activies that enhance your connection whilst tackling the big issues.  I am an expert at getting to the root of the relationship’s issues to help you move forward productively and positively.


People and situations change over time and you need to grow together, not apart. 


Learn to give and take feedback with empathy. 


Try this activity as a reminder on the postive qualities in your partner. This activity is one of many that is used in conjunction to talk therapy.

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