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Depression can affect anyone, it is illness and sadly is a quiet one with so much internal suffering. Any person can develop depression even if they have a "good life" with seemingly nothing to be upset about.


Those suffering depression will isolate themselves from family and friends and fail to keep in touch with those who care. This is a result of who they are feeling about themselves and their life, not you.

If Someone You Care About Is Experiencing Depression, Here Are Some Ways To Support Them:

  • Accept yourself that you may not understand the reasons for their illness

  • Do not tell them to "get over it" or shrug off their feelings as unvalidated

  • Encourage them to book counselling/ therapy or get some form of help. Give them a business contact, you cannot make them email/call but you can give them the details to make it easier to do so.

  • Reach out to them regularly - a call, text, email, face to face whatever contact is available. They may not respond but send the text anyway. 

  • If they live close by, randomly drop off a coffee or food, a random act of kindness will be nice for them and yourself.

  • If they will speak to you, listen. You dont need to provide any solutions, just be there for them and listen.

  • Believe any mention of suicide and take it seriously. Embrace that conversation and call for help if you need to.

  • Practice self care, you too need to look after youself. Supporting someone with depression can be tiring and draining. Ensure you have your mental health and overall well being in check.

  • Make sure you have a routine for sleep, eating well, exercise and taking time to self care and relax.

  • Invite them out to socail events, don't make them give a firm yes or no however let them know they are welcome to join in, if they want to.

  • Be patient - they will have good days and bad. This is a long journey and cannot have a timeframe on it.

  • Offer to help with daily tasks - what do you need help with today? However encourage them to completethe task too, do it with them more often than for them.


Things to avoid doing:

Dont take anything personally

Don't try and fix them.

Don't make their issue your entire life. Support them but do not let it consume you.

Do not compare their experience with someone else, don't belittle how they feel. ENCOURAGE things but dont put them down.

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